Our dream

“Only when the manufacturing industry is strong can it be truly strong.”
“Those who work honestly won’t suffer after all”

After years of salesman experience, when I reach a level of having enough order from the market, I realized that the key of a successful company is the production management and the people around them.
We would like to develop into a factory which devote more time on the research, focus on its worker and members of the production family.

like every factory in China,the first 10 years,we fight for survive, for the 2nd 10 years, We hope to be stable and indispensable, We hope to become the top three companies in the world in the subdivision of building materials. When we come to the 3rd 10 years luckily, we will be the company which teach society with home building and building materials knowledge, we developed with education service and training program.


Transcend CEO