Our Floating staircase

Floating stairs are a perfect combination of elegant and dynamic design.

In Transcend Metal, it will be devided into a few types based on the materials of its main components.

and plus the stringer for the floating staircase have always been hided beneath the treads or other decorative parts ,

it is easy for people to tell, glass floating staircase, wooden floating, floating staircase with marble treads and floating staircase with steel railing .

The modern and exciting look creates an uplifting and inspiring environment for any interior.  Floating staircases look beautiful and can be accompanied by accent lighting for a more dramatic effect.

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Here are enven more features of us

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  • We listen & do our homework

    You know your home and projects better than anyone, so our first step is to listen while you tell us about your design and budget.

    We’ll then do some research on our own so that we really get to know the ins-and-outs of your industry and hot buttons for your audience.

    With this knowledge, we’ll help you define what makes you unique. This upfront effort is a proven way to make a significant difference in the end result.

  • Global service and on time delivery

    Nothing like ordering a steak but getting chicken. That won’t happen with Transcend. We believe you should get what we agreed to without surprises

    (unless it’s something extra—like a free dessert with that steak). We are clear from the initial proposal to set expectations and ensure success.

    Each of our projects is structured to be on-time, within budget, and without surprises.

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  • Deep transition experience

    The long years you stay in a industry,

    The deeper you feel there is a conflict between design and production.

    Our transition experience from CAD drawing to production abstract from years of production experience. There for, this production experience of staircase make us flexible than the designer.

Are you looking for a reliable supplier for prefabricated stairs?